Category: Digital Marketing

Content Writer Job- How to turn your favorite past time into a dynamic career in 2021?

The Content Writer Job is to create written material for websites and other types of media. Content writers play an important and essential role in search engine optimization, which drives web traffic and sales, and they are responsible for explaining topics in a clear and precise manner. Thus Content writing is the process of planning, […]

SEO Content writing – How to Start a dynamic career in 2021?

Content writing has always been a challenge to those who have not been able to master this talent. Not all of us have this talent from birth but we try to master it through training, SEO content writing is even more challenging. SEO content writing isn’t complicated, once you understand that folks come first, before […]

Search Engine Optimization – The Scope of Dynamic SEO India in 2021

What is Search Engine Optimization? Seo or Search Engine optimization is that the process of optimizing your website for relevance and increasing its authority by solving user queries. When you understand how SEO  works, you’ll use different tactics to extend your visibility (or how high you rank) in search results. How Does Search Engine Optimization Works Search engines have […]

Why, How and Where to get an Ultimate google analytics course certification in 2021?

What is Google Analytics ? Google Analytics is Google’s free web analytics service that allows you to analyze in-depth detail about the visitors to your website. It provides valuable insights which will assist you to shape the success strategy of your business. By taking up a Google analytics course you can master Google Analytics. How does Google analytics […]

How to get the Ultimate Digital Marketing Jobs in 2021?

Note: This Blog, How to get  Digital Marketing Jobs is a part of Digital Deepak (Pixeltrack) SEO Training  Program, Bangalore undertaken by me under Mr. Sanjay Shenoy(CO-Founder of Pixeltrack, Bangalore) from April 2020 to June 2020.   Digital Marketing in India is one of the most challenging, exciting, fast-paced industry and this is the right […]

The Interesting Benefits of Digital Marketing Courses in 2021?

  Note: This Blog,  Elements of Digital Marketing Course is a part of Digital Deepak (Pixeltrack) SEO Training  Program, Bangalore undertaken by me under Mr Sanjay Shenoy(CO-Founder of Pixeltrack, Bangalore) from April 2020 to June 2020.   . Digital marketing may be a rapidly growing and evolving career path. As more channels of communication become available, the necessity for […]

Digital Marketing Services 2021—The Ultimate Lifeline to Digital Marketing Companies

Digital marketing encompasses all marketing efforts that use a device or the web. Businesses leverage digital channels like search engines, social media, email, and other websites to attach with current and prospective customers. The top countries in the world that spend too much on providing digital marketing services are as follows: United States Australia United […]

What are the Important Fundamentals of Digital Marketing in 2021?

Note: This Blog, What are the Fundamentals of Digital Marketing is a part of Digital Deepak (Pixeltrack and Learn Today) SEO Training  Program, Bangalore undertaken by me under Mr. Sanjay Shenoy(CO-Founder of Pixeltrack, and now Learn Today,Bangalore) from April 2020 to June 2020.     Digital marketing is a way to promote brands and products […]

Freelance Digital Marketing – A Dynamic Business opportunity in 2021

Note: This Blog,What is Freelance Digital Marketing  is a part of Digital Deepak (Pixeltrack and now Learn Today) SEO Training  Program, Bangalore undertaken by me under Mr Sanjay Shenoy(Co-founder of Pixeltack and now Learn Today,Bangalore)from April 2020 to June 2020.     Digital Marketing is a highly competitive field to get into. There are many […]