Category: Digital Marketing

Oceanography 2023– An exciting and exhilarating career

An Oceanographer is a scientist who studies the ocean. The subject that an oceanographer primarily focuses on in his research is called Oceanography. Oceanography science is the research of different aspects of ocean to better understand how it works and how it affects other parts of life, such as the weather or erosion along the […]

Storekeeper 2023 — An introduction to the dynamic inventory management

In today’s world, where the manufacturing industry is the backbone to our economy, maintaining inventory has become a must for all industries. It will take us an immense awareness of certain expectations to keep guard of things with us and realise which and where things belong. That is what a Storekeeper does in their everyday […]

Archivist Jobs 2022-A guide on how to start an ambitious & amazing career

The history of all nations, great or small, has grown from ancient civilization ranging from a few hundreds to thousands of years. The information is stored in the form of ancient manuscripts, records, inscriptions, documents and more recently in computer data chips. These unique records are preserved and restored. They help us to understand the […]

Aquaculturist 2022 – Welcome to a Dynamic Career

  Aquaculture also known as “Underwater Agriculture” involves the breeding and rearing of fishes and mollusks for commercial usage I,e. For consumption as well as displaying in aquariums. Aquaculturist is a person who pursue aquaculture as career. Aquaculture is generally carried out in reserved areas like confined tanks or at open sea under monitoring, and […]