Instructional Design 2021 — The Ultimate and Important Digital Interactive Learning program for Education

What is Instructional Design ?

Instructional Design is that the practice of making instructional experiences which make the acquisition of data and skill more efficient, effective, and appealing. it’s the art and style of making an instructional environment and materials which will bring the learner from the state of not having the ability to realize certain tasks to the state of achieving those tasks.

Instructional design is predicated on theoretical and practical research within the areas of cognition, psychology, and problem-solving. it’s historically and traditionally rooted in cognitive and behavioral psychology. Constructivism (learning theory), has influenced the thinking within the field recently.

The process of Instruction Design consists broadly of determining the present state and therefore the needs of the learner, defining the top goal of instruction, and creating some intervention to help within the transition.

Ideally, the method is informed by Pedagogically(adult learning) and anagogically(adult learning) tested theories of learning and should happen in student-only, teacher-led, or community-based settings. the result of this instruction could also be directly observable and scientifically measured or completely hidden and assumed.

History of system approach to Instructional Design

The 1940s – The Origins of Instructional Design, World War II

The birth of Instructional design is strongly related on one hand to the emergence of inquiry in psychology and education and on the hand to specific needs of the system.

The 1940s saw the origin of Instruction Design started during war 1. the inspiration for the educational design was laid during war II when many thousands needed to be taught very specific tasks during a short amount of their time. Individual aspects of those upon resulting in the event of instructional design, a field of study that marries education, psychology, and communications to make the foremost effective complex tasks were weakened, so soldiers could better understand and comprehend each step of the method.

After the success of the training, psychologists began to look at training as a system and developed various, design, and evaluation procedures. This approach was later taken and built teaching plans for specific groups of scholars

1946s— Edgar Dale’s  Cone of Experience

In 1946, Dale outlined a hierarchy of instructional methods and their effectiveness.


Instructional design in 1946— Edgar Dale’s  Cone of Experience -

The mid-1950s through mid-1960s – The Programmed Instruction Movement

B.F.Skinner in his 1954 article “ The Science of Learning and Art of Teaching “, stated that effective instructional materials, called programmed instructional analyses, should include small steps, frequent questions, immediate feedback, and permit self-pacing.

In 1956, a committee led by Benjamin Bloom published an influential Taxonomy of what he termed as Three Domain of learning referred to as Bloom’s Taxonomy.

Cognitive—What one knows and thinks
Psycho meter – What one does physically
Affective—what one feels or what attitude one has.


 Instructional design -The role of Bloom's Taxonomy

The early 1960s – The Criterion-Referenced Testing  Movement

Robert Glaser first used the term “ The criterion- Referenced Testing Movement in 1962. A criterion-referenced test is meant to check a person’s behavior in reference to an objective standard. It are often wont to assess the learners’ entry-level behavior, and to what extent learners have developed mastery through an instructional program.

1965 – Domains of Learning, Events of Instruction, and Hierarchical Analysis

In 1965, Robert Gagne described five domains of learning outcomes and nine events of instruction in “The conditions of Learning”, which remain the foundations of instructional design practices.

Gagné’s add learning hierarchies and hierarchical analysis led to a crucial notion in instruction – to make sure that learners acquire prerequisite skills before attempting superordinate ones.

1967 – Formative Evaluation

In 1967, after analyzing the failure of coaching material, Michael Scriven suggested the necessity for formative assessment – e.g., to undertake out instructional materials with learners (and revise accordingly) before declaring them finalized.

The 1970s – Growing of Interest in the Systems Approach

During the 1970s, the amount of instructional design models greatly increased and prospered in several sectors within the military, academia, and industry. Many instructional design theorists began to adopt an information-processing-based approach to the planning of instruction.

The 1980s – Introduction of Personal Computers into the Design Process

This was the age where educators and researchers began to think about how the private computer might be utilized in an academic environment and efforts began to style instruction that utilized this new tool.

PLATO (Programmed Logic for Automatic Teaching Operation) is one example. of how computers began to be integrated into instruction. Many of the primary uses of computers within the classroom were for “drill and kill” exercises. Computer-based educational games and simulations also became popular.

The 1990s – A Growing Interest in Constructivist Theory and the Importance of Performance 

As constructivist theory began to realize traction, its influence on instructional design became more prominent as a counterpoint to the more traditional cognitive learning theory. Constructivists believe that learning experiences should be “authentic” and produce real-world learning environments that allow the learner to construct their own knowledge. This emphasis on the learner was a big departure faraway from traditional sorts of instructional design.

Another trend that surfaced during this era was the popularity of performance improvement as being a crucial outcome of learning that needed to be considered during the planning process.

The World Wide Web is developed and begins to surface as a possible online learning tool with hypertext and hypermedia being recognized nearly as good tools for e-learning.

As technology advanced and constructivist theory gained popularity, technology’s use within the classroom began to evolve from mostly drill and skill exercises to more interactive activities that required more complex thinking on the a part of the learner.

Rapid prototyping was first seen during the 1990s. during this process, an instructional design project is prototyped quickly then vetted through a series of tries and revises cycles. this is often an enormous departure from traditional methods of instructional design that took far longer to finish .


The 2000’s  – Rise of the Learning  Internet and Online 

The Internet, with its social media tools and multitudes of data resources, became a really popular tool for online learning, and instructional designers recognized the necessity to integrate e-learning into the creation of learning objects and curricula.
There is an excellent increase within the number of online courses offered by education institutions.

Technology advanced to the purpose that sophisticated simulations were now readily available to learners, thus providing more authentic and realistic learning experiences.

2010 and forward

The influence of e-tools continues to grow and has seemingly encouraged the expansion of informal learning throughout a person’s lifetime. The challenge for instructional designers is the way to create learning opportunities that now may occur anywhere and anytime.


What is Instructional Design Theory?

According to Reigeluth Instruction, Design Theory is

(a) Design-oriented (focusing on means to achieve given goals for learning or development) and identifies methods of instruction (ways to support and facilitate learning) and therefore the situation during which these methods should and will not be used.
(b) Methods of instruction are often weakened into more detailed component methods.
(c) Methods are probabilistic, instead of deterministic.


Cognitive Load Theory and Design of Instruction

Cognitive load theory developed out of several empirical studies of learners, as they interacted with instructional materials. Sweller and his associates began to live the consequences of memory load and located that the format of Instructional materials has an impact on the performance of the learners using those materials.

By the mid-1990s, Sweller and his associates had discovered several effects associated with cognitive load and therefore the design of instruction (e.g. the split attention effect, redundant effect, and therefore the worked-example effect). Later, other researchers like Richard Meyer began to attribute learning effects load. Mayer and associates soon developed a Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning.

Instructional Designers use various instructional strategies to scale back cognitive load. for instance, they think that the onscreen shouldn’t be quite 150 words, or the text should be presented in small meaningful chunks. The designer also uses auditory and visual methods to speak information to the learner.

Gagne’s Theory of  Instruction

Gagne’s Theory of Instruction is widely utilized in the planning of instructional designers in many settings and has continuous influence within the field of educational technology. Synthesizing ideas from behaviorism and cognitivism, he provides a transparent template that’s easy to follow for designing instruction events. Instructional designers who follow Gagne’s theory will likely have totally focused, efficient instruction.

The role of Gagne's Theory of Instruction in instructional design


  1. Taxonomy of Learning Outcome

Robert Gagne classified three types of learning outcomes:

a) Cognitive Domain
  • Verbal Information – is stated
  • Intellectual Skills – to apply the rules and principles. Problem-solving allows for generating solutions or procedures.
  • Cognitive Strategies— used for learning.
  1. b) Affective Domain
  • Attitudes – are demonstrated by preferring options.
  • Psychomotor Domain
  • Motor Skills – enable physical Performance
  1. Types of Learning Outcomes.
  2. Verbal Information—State, Recite, tell, declare.
  3. Intellectual Skills
  • Discrimination—discriminate, distinguish, differentiate.
  • Concrete concept—identify, name, specify, label
  • Defined concept—classify, categorize, type, sort(by definition)
  • Rule—demonstrate, show, solve.
  • Higher-order rule—generate, develop, solve.
  1. Cognitive Strategy—adapt, create, originate.
  2. Attitude—choose, prefer, elect, favor.
  3. Motor Skill—execute, perform, carry out.


    • Nine Events of Instruction
      According to Gagne, learning occurs during a series of learning events. Each learning event must be accomplished before subsequent so as for learning to require  Similarly, instructional events should mirror the training events.
    • Gaining attention: Before the learners can start the method of imparting any new information, the trainer must gain the eye of the learners.
    • Informing Learning of Objectives: The teacher tells the learners what they’re going to be ready to do due to the instruction.
    • Stimulating recall of prior learning: The teacher asks for the recall of existing relevant knowledge.
    • Presenting the stimulus: The teacher gives emphasis to distinctive features.
    • Providing Learning Guidance: The teacher helps the scholars in understanding(semantic encoding) by providing organization and relevance.
    • Eliciting Performance: The teacher asks the learners to reply, demonstrating learning.
    • Providing feedback: The teacher gives informative feedback on the learners’ performance.
    • Assessing Performance: The teacher requires more learner performance and provides feedback, to strengthen
    • Enhancing retention and transfer: The teacher provides varied practice to generalize the potential.

Gagné’s Influence on Education Today

Prior to Robert Gagne, learning was often thought of as one, uniform process. There was little to no distinction between “learning to load a rifle and learning to unravel a posh mathematical problem”. Gagné offered an alternate view that developed the ideas of various learners required different learning strategies. Understanding and designing instruction supported a learning style defined by the individual caused new theories and approaches to teaching. Gagné ‘s understanding and theories of human learning added significantly to understanding the stages in cognitive processing and directions

Gagne’s work has had a big influence on American education, military, and industrial training. Gagne was one of the first developers of the concept of instructional systems design which suggests the components of a lesson are often analyzed and will be designed to work together as an integrated plan for instruction.

In “Educational Technology and therefore the Learning Process” (Educational Researcher, 1974), Gagne defined instruction as “the set of planned external events which influence the method of learning and thus promote learning.”

Instructional Design Models

The ADDIE model was initially developed by Florida state university to elucidate

“ the method within the formulation of an instructional systems development (ISD) program for military inter-service training which will adequately train individuals to try to to a specific job and which may even be applied to any inter-service curriculum development activity”.

The most popular version appeared within the 1980s as we know it today.

Instructional design --The Five phases of ADDIE’S Model

The Five phases of ADDIE’S Model are listed and explained below.


  • Analyze – Analyses refer to the gathering of information about one’s audience, the tasks to be completed, and the project’s overall goals. The instructional design then classifies the information to the content making it more useful and successful.
  • Design; during this phase, instructional designers begin to make their projects. Information gathered from the project, in conjunction with the theories and therefore the models of instructional design, is supposed to elucidate how the training are going to be
  • Develop: Development relates to the creation of the activities being implemented. This stage is where the blueprints within the design phase are assembled.
  • Implement: This stage allows the instructional designer to test all materials to identify if they are functional and appropriate for the intended audience.
  • Evaluate: Evaluate ensures that the materials achieve the desired goals. The evaluation phase consists of two parts a)formative assessment b) summative assessment.


More models of instruction design like Rapid Prototyping, Dick, and Carey systems approach model, and Instructional Development Learning System (IDLS) were developed.

Learning theories also play a crucial role in the design of instructional materials. Theories like behaviorism constructivism, social learning, and cognitivism help shape and define the result of instructional materials.

Instructional Design in the Real World

Instructional designers create and deliver educational and training materials to learners from all walks of life in a sort of way. They work with traditional paper materials, such as handouts and manuals, as well as e-Learning technologies and multimedia. Their work are often seen in elementary and secondary schools to universities and adult training facilities. They’re also found outside the tutorial sector during a range of industries including health care, retail, and therefore the military. Justin Ferriman, an e-Learning consultant, even goes as far as resources wisely.

Instructional designers often work as a part of a team, but their importance cannot be overestimated. Consider an eLearning course for example. An instructional designer will play a neighborhood in developing this course, alongside a multimedia designer, eLearning developer, and a top-quality assurance employee.

For the company sector, instructional design plays an integral role that a lot of don’t often see. When new training programs are introduced within companies, instructional designers are those that systematically collect, process, and analyze data, determining if employees were properly educated on the new topics introduced. If a neighborhood of the training doesn’t meet the previously set standards, then it’s an instructional designer’s duty to revamp the course to assist confirm that learners are able to understand the topics down the road. This process helps make sure that companies are working efficiently and using their resources wisely.

The usefulness of instructional designers across a range of industries ensures they are in high demand. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects a 20 percent job growth within the field by 2020.

The Benefits of Instructional Design

The Benefits of Instructional design are cost-effective, as long as it ensures students learn the strengths and weaknesses of scholars. These materials are also focused and customize efficiently by creating high-quality learning materials that take into account the d to address the specific needs of educators. These experts also safeguard against training materials being created for business problems, which are better served with non-training solutions.

Above all, instructional design yields results. Those during this field create lesson plans intended to interact with students, so they’re more likely to realize their goals. The evaluation may be a key final phase of instructional design implementation, so instructors can make sure that the training sessions are effective in meeting preset objectives.

The ultimate aim of the design process is to develop a reliable training program. It must improve the learner’s possibility of learning and be a unique attention-capturing experience for them. So if the educational design engages the learner by making the knowledge more efficient and appealing it’s a hit.

National Institute Ranking Framework – It Importance in Ranking Institution in India since 2015

National Institute Ranking Framework was approved and launched by the Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India on 29th September 2015.

National Institute Ranking Framework

This framework outlines a methodology to measure performance and rank institutions of higher education across the country. The methodology draws from the overall recommendation laid down by the Ministry of HRD, to identify the broad parameters for ranking various Institutions and universities.

National Institute Ranking Framework has ranked institutions in India for the last three years in 2016, 2017, and 2018. This is the fourth consecutive edition of the Indian ranking of Indian Institutions in India.

Unlike other rankings in popular media, National Institute Ranking Framework ranking deploy objective criteria and metrics from third parties sources as well as from institutions themselves. Several Improvements were effected on Data collection formats, metrics, and comparison methodology used for Indian Rankings over the years.

National Institute Ranking Framework

The Indian Ranking 2019 continues with the consolidation process building upon existing National Institute Ranking Framework parameters, experience gained over the last three years, and feedback from stakeholders to establish effective benchmarks to access the performance of the Indian academic institutions in higher education space.

The practice of pre-registration of National Institute Ranking Framework rankings and inviting new institutions for ranking through an open advertisement continued this year also. A total of  3127 unique institutions responded and offered themselves for ranking under “overall” Category-specific or Domain-specific ranking. In all , 4867 applications for ranking were made by these 3127 unique applicant institutions under various categories/domains.

The  Indian ranking has successfully instilled the culture of collection, compilation, and curation of data required for ranking of institutions who are now carefully maintaining data pertaining to their faculty, students, placement, infrastructure, expenditure on library and laboratories,etc.

This culture is important for institutions themselves since the analysis of data provides the big picture of trends and patterns that can be used for evaluating and streamlining processes, creating efficiencies, and improving overall student experiences. While at the institutional level, the data and its analytics can help in assessing institutes themselves against benchmarks, at the national level, the data can serve as a base for analyses of the status of higher education institutions in the country.

National Institute Ranking Framework

It may further be noted that all data for ranked institutions is painstakingly verified, inconsistencies, contradictions, and outliers are screened and identified. This requires a lot of diligence, patience, and tactful handling of institutions who might with direct and blunt questions on the validity of data.

With continuing improvement in the reliability of data from institutions, it would be possible for the NIRF team to concentrate on refining existing ranking parameters and metrics and pursuit additional parameters that can be deployed for ranking and institutions. Moreover, it would also be possible to bring –in a larger – number of institutions into the ambit of rankings with an ultimate goal of ranking every deserving institution.

Disciplines – A wise methodology for Indian Rankings.

In 2019,  A common overall ranking was introduced for institutions that have a minimum of 1000 students from the year 2017 onwards in addition to the category-specific rankings so as to provide a common view of comparable institutions across categories and disciplines.

It is important that the credibility that the Indian institutions have earned is maintained with careful attention in detail. As a matter of practice, 100 institutions are ranked in Overall, University and colleges categories whereas ranking is kept restricted to only 15 to 75 institutions in all domain-specific rankings (Architecture, Pharmacy, law, Management, engineering, and Medical) because of reliability of data.

National Institute Ranking Framework

There is a total of Nine rankings – Overall Category(1),  Category-specific rankings(2,   University and colleges) and Domain-specific category (6).

The institutions are according to the disciplines they are specializing in. The disciplines on which the institutions are ranked are given below.

a) Overall   b) Universities  c) Colleges  d)  Pharmacy  e) Engineering   f) Architecture   g) Law  h)  Medical  I) Management

In 2020, the number of institutes ranked in Overall are 1479, Colleges 1304, engineering 970, Management 555, Pharmacy 301, Architecture 65, Medical 113, and Law 80.

The  NIRF  Parameters of Ranking. 

The NIRF provides 16 to 18 parameters organized in five broad generic groups of parameters for the final ranking. Some of these parameters are common to those employed globally and serve as pointers to ambiance for teaching, learning and research.

  • Teaching, Learning, and  Resources(TLR): These parameters are related to core activities of and place of learning.
  1. Student strength including doctoral parameters.
  2. Faculty-student ratio with emphasis on permanent faculty.
  3. Combined metric for faculty with Ph.D., and experience.
  4. Financial institutions and their.
  • Research and Professional Learning(RP) : Excellence in teaching and learning is closely associated with scholarship.
  1. Combined metric for publication
  2. Combined metrics for quality of the publication
  3. IPR and Patents- Published and granted.
  4. Footprints of project and professional practice.
  • Graduation Outcome(GO): This parameter forms the ultimate test of the effectiveness of the core teaching and learning.
  1. a) Metric for university examination
  2. b) Metric for a number of PhD students who graduated.
  • Outreach and inclusivity(OI): The ranking framework lay special emphasis on the representation of women.
  1. Percentage of students from other states and countries
  2. Percentage of women
  3. Economically and socially challenged students
  4. Facilities for physically challenged
  5. Perception ranking.
  • Perception(PR): The ranking methodology gives significant emphasis to the perception of the institutions.
  1. Academic peer and employees.

Each of these parameters is given weightage from 100 and then the institutions are ranked by that weightage.

 NIRF ranking of  Institutes on India in Overall

Name  of Institute State Rank
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, Chennai Tamil Nadu 1
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore Karnataka 2
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi Delhi 3
Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai Maharashtra 4
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur West Bengal 5
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur Uttar Pradesh 6
Jawaharlal University, New Delhi Delhi 7
Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee Uttarakhand 8
Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati Assam 9
Bharat Hindu University, Varanasi Uttar Pradesh 10


Five NIRF parameters of top institutes in Overall.

Name of Institute Rank TLR RP GO OI PR
IIT, Madras 1 84.46 83.53 87.13 66.08 94.14
IISc, Bengaluru 2 83.16 89.24 78.57 48.47 100
IIT, Delhi 3 78.30 82.98 79.14 58.58 86.14
IIT, Mumbai 4 76.95 84.36 82.31 50.68 86.92
IIT, Kharagpur 5 67.96 76.65 86.17 60.73 78.11
IIT, Kanpur 6 71.95 69.61 69.96 50.39 75.68
Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi 7 76.75 41.85 99.87 75.87 55.27
IIT, Roorkee 8 67.32 65.08 87.14 61.64 43.36
IIT, Guwahati 9 76.79 56.58 73.87 60.63 46.34
BHU, Varanasi 10 69.72 46.48 96.37 57.01 47.28


 NIRF Ranking of top ten  Universities in India.

Universities State Rank
Indian Institute of Science,IISc, Bengaluru Karnataka 1
Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi Delhi 2
Bharat Hindu University, Varanasi Uttar Pradesh 3
University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh 4
University of Calcutta, Kolkata West Bengal 5
Jadavpur University, Kolkata West Bengal 6
Anna University, Chennai Tamil Nadu 7
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore Tamil Nadu 8
Manipal Academy of higher education, Manipal Karnataka 9
Savitri bai, Pune university,Pune Maharashtra 10


The NIRF Parameters

Name of the Institute  


IISC, Bangalore 1 83.16 89.24 78.57 48.47 100
JNU, Delhi 2 76.75 41.85 99.87 75.87 55.27
BHU, Varanasi 3 69.72 46.48 96.37 57.01 47.28
University of Hyderabad,Hyderabad 4 74.81 43.78 83.64 58.77 36.71
University of Calcutta, Kolkata 5 62.26 47.10 91.54 60.14 37.39
Jadavpur University, Kolkata 6 77.91 38.31 69.71 66.70 30.21
Anna University, Chennai 7 69.26 44.42 86.04 54.34 16.65
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore 8 73.03 43.77 70.28 70.23 31.01
Manipal Academy of higher education, Manipal 9 77.91 38.31 69.71 66.78 30.21
Savitribai Phule, Pune University, Pune 10 69.26 44.42 86.04 54.34 16.55

NIRF Ranking of  top ten management institutes  in India

Management institute State Rank
IIM Bangalore Karnataka 1
IIM Ahmedabad Gujrat 2
IIM Calcutta West Bengal 3
IIM Lucknow Uttar Pradesh 4
IIM Indore Madhya Pradesh 5
IIT, Kharagpur West Bengal 6
XLRI, Jamshedpur Jharkhand 7
IIM, Kozhikode Kerala 8
IIT, Delhi Delhi 9
IIT Bombay Mumbai Maharashtra 10


The NIRF Parameters score


Management Institute

IIM Bangalore 1 92.85 55.03 98.35 73.09 100
IM Ahmedabad 2 90.74 57.76 98.10 68.12 96.32
IIM Calcutta 3 90.14 57.16 96.02 71.52 94.02
IIM Lucknow 4 85.37 34.53 93.01 57.55 69.57
IIM Indore 5 83.11 37.44 93.21 70.21 51.93


NIRF Ranking of Top Ten colleges in Engineering.

Engineering Institute State Rank
IIT Madras, Chennai Tamil Nadu 1
IIT Delhi Delhi 2
IIT Bombay, Mumbai Maharashtra 3
IIT Kharagpur West Bengal 4
IIT Kanpur Uttar Pradesh 5
IIT Roorkee Uttarakhand 6
IIT Guwahati Assam 7
IIT Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh 8
Anna University, Chennai Tamil Nadu 9
National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli Kerala 10


NIRF  Parameters score

Engineering Institute Rank TLR RP GO OI PR
IIT Madras 1 93.55 92.39 84.26 63.99 100
IIT Delhi 2 85.80 96.18 80.32 56.19 90.85
IIT Bombay 3 89.12 95.30 76.47 48.17 89.31
IIT Kharagpur 4 73.14 88.20 84.12 57.79 84.14
IIT Kanpur 5 79.07 81.79 82.56 46.31 81.35
IIT Roorkee 6 75.05 75.90 89.34 58.65 54.61
IIT Guwahati 7 82.55 63.60 78.45 58.86 54.49
IIT Hyderabad 8 78.91 49.18 71.71 56.21 55.38
Anna  University,Chennai 9 63.17 64.13 63.24 52.66 70.13
National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli 10 68.36 46.64 72.76 62.20 63.34
courtesy :


NIRF Ranking of Pharmacy institutes in India   with Parameters   score

Name of Institute Rank TLR RP GP OI PR
Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi 1 72.99 90.70 76.64 53.42 86.49
Punjab University, Chandigarh 2 71.04 88.14 72.91 71.22 86.49
National Institute of pharmaceutical education and research, Mohali 3 73.50 69.00 82.27 59.19 94.74
Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai 4 78.95 69.55 82.04 58.48 75.22
Birla Institute of Technology and science, Pilani 5 79.85 60.57 66.76 68.53 67.60


NIRF Ranking of colleges in India with Parameters score

College Name Rank TLR RP GP OI PR
Miranda House, Delhi 1 77.45 39.24 88.35 75.90 71.74
Hindu College, Delhi 2 73.74 26.63 89.78 74.77 71.46
Presidency College, Chennai 3 77.49 98.02 46.40 50.56 56.50
St Stephen’s college, Delhi 4 75.11 14.06 76.98 68.71 92.87
Lady Shri Ram College, New Delhi 5 70.51 5.19 93.81 61.55 81.24
courtesy :


NIRF Ranking of Top Medical Colleges  in India  with Parametres  score

Medical College Rank TLR RP GP OI PR
AIIMS, New Delhi 1 91.81 96.18 66.91 77.33 100
Post Graduate Institute of medical education and research, Chandigarh 2 78.60 84.47 76.99 70.74 64.87
Christian Medical college, Vellore 3 81.92 49.27 75.52 65.89 92.74
Sanjay Gandhi postgraduate institute of medical science, Lucknow 4 74.88 57.16 79.65 46.08 40.11
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore 5 75.62 43.15 73.16 74.49 51.33


NIRF Ranking of Top Law colleges in India with Parameters score

Law College Rank TLR RP GP OI PR
National law school of India University, Bangalore 1 85.16 38.77 78.96 76.02 100
National Law University, New Delhi 2 92.30 52.69 66.34 73.12 75.20
Naisar University of Law, Hyderabad 3 84.30 38.49 83.37 72.57 70.20
IIT, Kharagpur 4 78.37 73.22 65.42 64.60 46.57
The west Bengal national university of juridical sciences, Kolkata. 5 73.61 35.25 68.16 69.34 66.89


NIRF Ranking of Top 5 Colleges in Architecture with Parameters score

College Name Rank TLR RP GP OI PR
IIT, Kharagpur 1 73.85 89.49 86.98 75.54 95.66
IIT Roorkee 2 75.40 89.24 82.48 65.01 73.18
National Institute of Technology,Calicut,Kozhikode 3 73.28 41.45 72.07 63.51 71.59
School of planning of technology, New Delhi 4 68.32 16.70 73.91 72.07 98.32
College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram 5 64.05 33.13 76.52 54.67 64.50


The National Board of Accreditation(NBA) was the primary agency that was given the overall responsibility of coordinating and executing the ranking work in consultation with the Implementation core committee, constituted by MHRD. NBA invited the applications for registration of institutions for ranking in various disciplines and the overall ranking. It coordinated with its collaborators to execute all aspects of the ranking



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We are a 20+ year member of Better Business Bureau Serving SE Nebraska. Some of the biggest and best companies in the world can’t claim this prestigious accolade!

But WE can, and you can verify it right   HERE.

Still  Skeptical!! You have the right to be.


Honey!!! I just fired my BOSS--Your second income

It is a fact. The Internet is a giant minefield when it comes to finding a real opportunity to make money.

You Should be Skeptical.

At SFI, we are not going to make false promises of you getting rich overnight. This just doesn’t happen.

But with $ 4 Trillion in online sales projected in 2020 alone, there will be plenty of money to make in the coming years working in a company like ours.

Don’t want your money!!!

Our competitors almost all require a purchase upfront or ongoing monthly fees.


Because they know full well that, if they don’t, they’ll never get any money out of you. At SFI, there are NEVER any purchase requirements.

SFI is about teaching you how to MAKE money, not spend it. And ONLY when you make money, will WE make money. That means that we’re going to do everything in our power to make sure you become successful…because we’re successful ONLY if our affiliates are.

Your Own Internet Store… Today

As an SFI affiliate,   becomes your store.

A store with over 100,000 products… and growing daily.

Honey!!!I just fired my Boss -- Your second income
Your online store

Your own online store that can be making sales and earning commissions for you 24 hours a day, even while you sleep. We invite you to thoroughly browse your store now and imagine the possibilities.

What is the secret to our Mammoth Commission  Payouts?

Our Commission Plan utilizes powerful, infinite-depth dynamic compression for maximum payouts.

Honey!!! I just fired my Boss-- Your second income

We have excellent long term residual income potential.

We have thousands of commissionable products and we are adding new products daily.

You can earn money elsewhere in about 200 countries.

Sorry !!! There is nothing as  “Get Quick Rich”

Honey!!!I just fired my Boss-- your second income

But there ARE great opportunities for entrepreneurs who are serious about building a profitable online enterprise.

#  $ 4 Trillion in Online sales is projected in 2020 alone. Want a piece of it?

# SFI is highly rated and trusted. WE HAVE 4.39 (out of 5 Stars). We are also a member of highly rated  Better Business Bureau.

# Test Drive SFI as long as you want, with no obligation.

# 19 million men and women in more than 200 countries and still counting since 1998

# SFI stands you out from the Pack. In SFI there is something for everyone. That makes online sales more interesting and lucrative.

If the above five reasons don’t convince you …

Then please don’t believe us. But we will show you the sample from 13.054 Testimonials from people just like you that love SFI so much that they had written to us and tell us why.

Our Customer’s Testemonials

We challenge you to find ANY other internet sales program that has even fraction of the testimonials that SFI does!

Try It Free! No Obligations

Sign up free

Being an entrepreneur can be fun, intoxicating, and very lucrative but don’t join SFI if you are not willing to invest some time and effort. Success work before work only in the dictionary. There are no shortcuts.

Join me, Anurag Dubey, and I’ll personally help you build a second income with top rated SFI—now in its 22nd year!

Click here to join my team and get started FREE today!

Sign up free 



One more thing: My #1 job in SFI is helping the affiliates that I sponsor become successful. When you join my team, know that in me you will have a committed partner and mentor and that I stand ready to assist you in any way I can.

Thank you and I hope to hear you’ve joined my team soon.

Anurag Dubey

For SFI Marketing Group

Sign up Free

  What do others say about the SFI Marketing Group?

 Our Customer’s Testemonials


“SFI is everything it claims to be. I recommend it to everyone who wants to be financially Independent”

Quassin Ali, Pakistan


“I don’t think anyone could go wrong with the superior training and support that SFI freely offers to their affiliates. And the products are great too.”

Riney, AR, USA 


“SFI is the most powerful marketing network on the Internet. The system really works! It is also free! Don’t miss it

Javed Iqbal, Pakistan


“The SFI Program is quite amazing. I just keep logging in over and over again every day. The training tools are simply the best. I am learning a lot.SFI has given its member. Just about every possible tool to be successful”

Shrikant Nandgaoli., India


“ Since I joined SFI, I am having lots of fun reading all of the training and learning about income opportunities. I look forward to learning everything possible about SFI to earn a good living and love what I am doing”

Stelka Kostova, Bulgaria.


“ SFI is an equal opportunity business you can work at your own pace. It is good to be here”.

John Nwosu, Nigeria.


“SFI is so easy to navigate. Training is great, and the best thing is it is free.”

The Willingdon, U.K.


“At SFI the information and training are so well provided. This is a great way to eradicate poverty and empower our people. Way to go SFI. Together we can make this world a better place.”

Sarah Kirega, Kenya


And many more……..




The Effect of Corona Virus Pandemic


Let us look at some of the headlines that coronavirus made in the newspapers for the last two months.

  • Death Toll in China, the birthplace of this coronavirus raises to 3000 with the number of confirmed cases 80,400.
  • Italy has the second-highest number of deaths from Coronavirus, 1016 of 15,113 confirmed cases, after mainland China.
  • India Reports 75 cases of Corona Virus and two deaths.
  • 40 fatalities in the US due to the Corona Virus of the 1663 confirmed cases.
  • France documented 30 deaths and Spain lost 26 peoples as a result of the outbreak of Coronavirus. By contrast, Germany reported 1175 cases with no deaths.
  • The death toll in Iran is 514 due to this virus with 11364 cases.

The total number of Corona Virus cases is 140,000 and the total number of deaths 5123 worldwide.

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The numbers are changing rapidly every day as cases continue to mount every hour and every day. The most up-to-date information is available from the World Health Organization, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and  Johns Hopkins University.

Effect on the World Economy 

The Corona Virus is going global and it could bring the world economy to a standstill . The economic fall out could bring recessions in the US, Europe, and Japan, the slowest growth rate in China, and in a total of 2.7 trillion US$ in lost output equivalent of the entire GDP of the UK.

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The share market saw its worst due to this virus. As reports of the virus spreading to other parts increased, Wall Street in New York saw its biggest plunge since 2008. The oil prices crashed and bond yields tumbled. The S&P plunge has its worst day in a decade.

The Indian stock market saw its biggest plunges after reaching the highest point in its entire history on January 20th, 2020. It plunged 1449 points on feb.14, 2020, then 1942 points on 9th March 2020, and then its biggest plunge on  2919 points on 13th March 2020. The investors lost Rs 11 lakh crores in just one day and Rs 31 lakh crores since its all-time high of Jan 20th,2020.

The Pandemic could give a crippling blow to the tourism industry all over the world as restrictions are being imposed on movements of foreigners and tourists. The mega-events and sports events are being canceled by the government all over the places.

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Statewide Emergency is being imposed, Schools and colleges are being closed, Events and flights from affected countries are being canceled, Victims are being quarantined and segregated like lepers in different countries in their efforts to contain this epidemic.

It has spread so rapidly and to so many countries that the World Health  Organization has declared it a pandemic (a term indicating that it has affected a large population, region, country, or continent).

It is not the Pandemic that surprises me. It is the cruel fact that I am living in the 21st century with no cure or vaccine to this epidemic. The number of deaths continues to amaze me as they mostly come from developed nations where the health and medical services are excellent.

It reminds us of how the epidemic Plague and Malaria used to play havoc on the human population in the pre-20th-century era when there was no vaccine to counter them. We spend billions of dollars in research and development in medicine, yet we cannot get a cure for this disease or even flu which has taken its own toll.

What is Corona Virus?

Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that range from the common cold to  Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus(MERS) and Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) corona

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Coronaviruses are circulating in animals and some of these coronaviruses have the capability of transmitting between animals and humans. We call that a spillover event.

COVID-19 is the short form for “Coronavirus disease 2019,” and is the official name given by the World Health Organization to the disease caused by this newly identified coronavirus.

What are the symptoms of COVID-19?

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The common symptoms include low-grade fever, nasal congestion, body aches, coughing, running nose, and sore throat. However severe symptoms of COVID-19,  high fever, shortness of breath, and severe cough.

The patient takes 3 to 13 days to show the signs of these symptoms.


How does COVID-19 spread?

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The COVID – 19   spreads mainly through person to person. It spreads when people are in close contact. It can spread when an infected person by sneezes or coughs so it is a respiratory virus. It can spread if the infected person touches a surface or an object that has a virus on it.

People are said to be contagious when they are symptomatic or at the early stages of illness.

The virus spreads faster in the colder season than in the hotter season.

How deadly is Covid 19? 

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More people have died due to Influenza than COVID-19,   this season. Flu is regarded as a bigger threat than COVID-19. The startling fact is that unlike Flu, where you can get a vaccine to cure it, there is no vaccine or antiviral drugs to cure COVID-19 presently. 

Who is at the highest risk for getting very sick from COVID-19? 

Older people, and those with underlying problems like medical chronic bronchitis, emphysema, heart failure, or diabetes, are more likely to develop seriously. Children, including very young children, can develop COVID-19.

What can you do to protect me and others from COVID-19?

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Prevention is better than cure, especially when it is not available. The following actions help prevent the spread of COVID-19, as well as other COVID-19 and influenza:

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water.
  • If you have respiratory symptoms like coughing or sneezing, experts recommend wearing a mask to protect others.

What can you do to keep my immune system strong?

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Your immune system is your body’s defense system. When a harmful invader — like a cold or flu virus, or the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 — gets into your body, your immune system mounts an attack. Known as an immune response, this attack is a sequence of events that involves various cells and unfolds over time.

Following general health guidelines is the best step you can take toward keeping your immune system strong and healthy.

  • Don’t smoke.
  • Eat a diet high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
  • Take a multivitamin if you suspect that you may not be getting all the nutrients you need through your diet.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Control your stress level.
  • Control your blood pressure.
  • If you drink alcohol, drink only in moderation (no more than one to two drinks a day for men, no more than one a day for women).
  • Get enough sleep.
  • Take steps to avoid infection, such as washing your hands frequently and trying not to touch your hands to your face, since harmful germs can enter through your eyes, nose, and mouth.

What can you do to prepare for a COVID?

For peace of mind, try to plan ahead for a possible outbreak.

For example, if there is an outbreak in your community, you may not be able to get to a store, or stores may be out of supplies, so it will be important for you to have extra supplies on hand.

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Stay up to date with reliable news resources, such as the website of your local health department. If your town or neighborhood has a website or social media page, consider joining it to maintain access to neighbors, information, and resources.

Try to stock at least a 30-day supply of any needed prescriptions. If your insurance permits 90-day refills, that’s even better. Make sure you also have over-the-counter medications and other health supplies on hand.


Anurag Dubey

For HBN Naturals,



Digital Deepak Internship Program — Assignment 2

Digital Deepak Internship Program -Assignment 2
Digital Deepak Internship Program

Hello everybody at Digital Deepak Internship Program. After the hectic first assignment at, Digtal Deepak Internship Program it is time for all of us to march ahead and complete assignment number 2. So once again we had a live webinar with Mr Deepak Kanakaraju, this time from Delhi where he was attending a Digital Marketing conference. And yes he was accompanied by yet another Indian affiliate Marketing guru Mr Kulwant Negi who also shared his knowledge of Affiliate Marketing with all of us.

Our focus from the webinar will be on three main tasks:

    • The knowledge that Mr Deepak shared with us in this webinar .
    • How your Customer Avatar helps you to find and reach your target Audience.
    • Make a customer Avatar survey and then build your Customer Avatar Persona.


  1. The knowledge that Mr. Deepak shared with us in this webinar.


a) Focus on the Class

Avoid Distraction and concentrate on your work. Distraction is more harmful to your Brain than drugs. The more focused you are, the easier everything becomes and you tend to attract who you are focused on serving.

b) The Golden Triangle       

  No, we are not discussing  the drugs cartel of Burma but the interrelationship between Learning, Doing and Teaching. When you learn you gain knowledge , then you start doing your work and then you can impart or teach that knowledge to others. When you teach you learn even more and more and you perform even better. This is the Golden Triangle.

c) Mistakes are our Future benefits.

To err is human. Those who do not make mistakes seldom learn. So don’t be afraid of making mistakes as they help you to improve.

d) Marketing is about Good Conversations.

Learn to converse with your   friends, your family, your colleagues and everyone around you. People converse with their environment and their pets.

Marketing is all about communication and conversation. If you cannot converse 1:1, then how can you converse in front of a large audience.

e) Who is the Better Marketer

People with more life experiences are better marketer. So one must travel, gain more knowledge, learn new languages and converse with people with different culture. Then you become an interesting person in the eyes of your peer .You become broad minded and shed negativity from your thoughts.

f) Who is your Audience

If everyone is your audience, then nobody is your audience. Marketers, who try to speak everyone’s language, connect with nobody. You should build your target audience, create your customer Avatar and concentrate on him.

g) How to Define your Target Customer.

By talking to people and segmenting by various demographic (their age, address, religion, gender) and psychographic data (their attitudes, values, interests, lifestyles), you can construct customer profiles that make it easier to market your product.

Write to one single customer at a time even though you have a big audience Connect with them with one to one communication.

Join mental conversation with your customers.

That is why email/messaging is more powerful than social media. Addressing. People with their First name create more amiable atmosphere and put the person in ease. Try to write email to a person as a friend.

h) Bulls Eye

Focus on the centre, not on the border. As you will move away from the centre you will dilute. You won’t be visible to anybody.

i) Awkwardness is an Indicator of learning.

Awkwardness is when you get into situation where you feel  uncomfortable and try to get out of it .It is taking you away from your comfort zone where you want to stay . In marketing, you will find yourself in such a situation many a times.

j) Challenge what you already know and create new beliefs and way of thinking.


2) How Customer Avatar helps you to find and reach your target Audience.

A great Marketing campaign promotes an amazing product to its right customers, on the right platform at the right time.

The problem with many businesses is that after they have designed and developed an amazing product, they could not target the right customers on right platform and make vague guesses on timing.

This is not good anymore. 


What is a  Customer Avatar?

Digital Deepak Internship Program-Assignment 2
The Customer Avatar


A customer Avatar is a detailed profile of your ideal customer. It does not make assumptions or categorize people into groups. The Avatar focuses on just one person and outlines everything about them. It goes into much greater depth than a regular marketing persona, providing marketers with many more targeting tools.

It is crucial that you create a customer avatar of your ideal customer, not any buyer. Your Ideal customer is one whom you are really willing to sell. They are high spending, loyal, repeat buyers and referral monsters.

If you have customer like this, then this customer can become the foundation of your Customer Avatar.

Who needs a customer Avatar?

Every Business especially small and medium needs a Customer Avatar. Businesses that previously spent millions of Rupees on their marketing budgets can also benefit in making their customer avatar.


Why do we need a customer Avatar?

Most businesses try to focus on the whole market to sell their products. This is called “Broad Targeting”. Such businesses end up selling to nobody. Such businesses overspend on their budget in marketing, yet could not sell enough.

Therefore it is crucial to know your Target Market.

The better you know about your target customers, the more people you will connect with , more you will get the repeat buyers and more referrals you will get.

And all of it at much less cost.

A detailed Customer avatar will also streamline your business at every level.

When you have an avatar, everybody involved in the business can up their game and focus their efforts efficiently:

    • Product Development: You can create a product specifically designed for one person. This makes the process more personalizes, targeted and relevant.
    • Content Marketing: A customer avatar allows content creators to produce content that solves and appeal to their needs.
    • Paid Traffic: If you are running ads, it is imperative that you have clear customer avatar in your mind. Understanding everything of your ideal customer allows you to target them precisely.
    • User Experience: When you know who your ideal customer is, you can create the perfect experience for them beginning with their first interaction, web visit and purchase. A perfect user experience guarantees repeat custom and referrals.


How to create a Customer Avatar.

There are 4 steps to create your Customer Avatar.

First step: Create your customer avatar Template.

Choose three questions for your survey to get building a persona:

  • A Key Demographic (age, marital status, education, address) and Psychographic (their attitudes, values, goals, interests, lifestyles) types of questions.
  • A key customer goal
  • A key Concern or barrier to customer to achieve that goal.

Second Step: When you have your customer avatar template  ready. It’s time  to begin. Set up the survey or its link (URL) on your most Popular page . Personalize with thank you message. Set the appearance.

As your target customer sees it, he fill the information for you.

Third Step: Analyze the Data that you have collected from your customers.

Fourth Step: Build your Customer Persona. Based on your data, you analyze Create one simple user persona that represents the largest chunk of your database and identified a Key demographic, a key goal and Key concern/barrier to purchase.

Points to Note while taking the survey:

  • Don’t confuse demographic and personas. A useful persona is more than person’s age, gender, marital status and address.
  • Make the questions shot, small and expand after.
  • Base them on Real people.
  • Talk to the users in person, if you can.
  • Keep an open mind while taking the survey.




3) Build your Customer Avatar Persona.


Here is the link to my Customer Avatar Template


My Customer Avatar

Digital Deepak Internship Program- Assignment 2
My customer Avatar

Finally, I have reached my goal. After conducting the survey, I finally was able to create my Customer Avatar.

Now let me tell you about Digital Deepak. It is an online Digital Marketing Training Institute. It markets digital Marketing courses for the customers all over India. Anyone with access to a computer or even a mobile with an internet can get access to the Digital Marketing course after paying the required price which is nominal.

This Survey has been taken to find an Ideal Customer for the Institute’s course.

My Customer Avatar name is Devinder Singh  Rathore (Fictitious Name).  He is young male of between 25 to 35 years of age. He lives in Bangalore, the I.T. capital of India. His is single and stays with his parents. His family income is in the range of Rs 5 lacs to 10 Lacs per annum. His goes to Gym everyday and also likes to travel.

He is computer literate and owns a laptop. He is looking for a job and his career goal is to become a Successful Digital Marketer. That is why he wants to take a course in Digital Marketing from a good Digital Marketing Training Institute. Since he has heard about Digital Deepak as India’s premium Digital marketing training institute, he would love to join this institute. He feels that Digital Deepak can provide him a start up growth in Digital marketing in a good company and from there he can realize his career goal to become a successful digital Marketer.

If we can convince him that this Institute is genuine and would not run away with his money we have him as our customer. 

 A customer avatar should be a fundamental element of your marketing strategy. It creates a foundation for targeting and allows everyone in your business to understand exactly who you’re striving to attract.

Marketing campaigns that already know the specifics of their target market will always require less money and time, and provide a greater ROI.

















Education in India — A Historical Perspective till 2021


Early education in India commenced under the supervision of ‘Guru“. Initially, education was hospitable all and seen together of the methods to realize Moksha or enlightenment. Later due to the superiority complex, education was imparted on the basis of castes with the Brahmins learning about scriptures, Kshatriya the art of warfare, The Vaishya learned about business and commerce while none or minimal education was imparted to lowermost castes, the Shudras.


Education in India -- A Historical Perspective till 2021
Nalanda University

Education in its traditional form was closely related to religion.

Among the heterodox schools of learning were the Jain and Buddhist schools. Buddhist education was more inclusive and Buddhist education centers were urban institutes of learning, such as Taxila and Nalanda where grammar, medicine, philosophy, logic, metaphysics, arts, and crafts were taught.

Taxila was the earliest recorded center of higher learning in India in the 5th century B.C. Chanakya, a brahmin teacher was among the most famous teacher of Taxila. Nalanda University was the oldest university system within the world. These institutions continue to function well and were attended by students from India, Bhutan, Tibet, and central Asia.

The Brahmin gurus historically offered education by means of donations rather than charging fees from students. Later temples became the center of education. Religious education was compulsory, but the secular subject was also. Students were required to be Brahmacharis or celibates. The book of laws, “Manusmriti” and therefore the Treatise on statecraft the “Arthashastra” were the influential works of that era.

The Medieval Period

Buddhist institutions of learning giving way to a resurgent tradition of Brahminism during this period. Scholars from India journeyed to China to translate Buddhist texts. Chinese scholars like Xuanzang and Yi Jing arrived in Indian institutions of learning to survey Buddhist texts. Dharmendra from the 10th century from Nalanda journeyed to China and translated a number of texts.

With the arrival of Islam in India, the normal methods of education increasingly came under Islamic influence. Pre-Mughal rulers such as Qutb-u-din tughlaq and other Muslim leaders initiated institutions that imparted knowledge. Scholars like Nizamuddin Auliya and Moinuddin Chisti became prominent educators and established Islamic monasteries. Students from Bukhara and Afghanistan visited India to review humanities and science.

Education in India -- A Historical Perspective till 2021

Islamic institutions of education in India inducted traditional Madrasas and Maktabs which taught grammar, philosophy, mathematics, and law influenced by Greek tradition.

The education system in the Mughal dynasty especially under Akbar favored courses like medicine, agriculture, geography, Patanjali works in Sanskrit. The traditional science in this period was influenced by the ideas of Aristotle, Bhaskara2, Charaka, Ibsen. Even Aurangzeb favored teaching subjects like administration. During the Mughal dynasty, the more intolerant Ottoman school of manque education came to be gradually substituted by the more relaxed Maqui school.

The Colonial Era.

The colonial-era saw a high difference of opinion among the colonialists themselves about education for Indians. They were divided into two schools– the orientalists, who believed that education should in Indian languages like Sanskrit or Persian, or Utilitarians(Anglicists) who strongly believed that India has nothing to teach its own subject but English.

Lord Macaulay introduced English education in India in 1835. He called an education system that would create a category of anglicized Indians who function cultural intermediaries between British and Indians.

Education in India -- A Historical Perspective till 2021
Madras Medical College

The University of Madras was founded in 1857 under the leadership of a completely clean caste and mainly brahmans. The Madras medical college opened in 1835 and admitted women and in 1894, the women’s Christian medical college, an exclusive medical school for women was established in Ludhiana, Punjab. Mayo College was founded in 1875 was the primary modern institution for Muslims in India. By 1920 it became the Aligarh Muslim University.

In 1882 there were 4 universities and 67 colleges, by 1901 there were 5 universities and 145 colleges, in 1922 there were 14 universities and 167 colleges and in 1947 there were 21 universities and 496 colleges operational . There were 4 colleges of engineering in 1847, and by 1930 India has 10 technical institutions.
Modern India.

Modern India

Education in India -- A Historical Perspective till 2021

India has free and compulsory education between the age of 6 and 14. As per the annual statistics of education report(ASER) 2012, 96.5% of all rural children between the ages of 6 to 14 were enrolled in school.

A significant number of seats are reserved for weaker sections of the society in all educational institutions affiliated with the central and state government. The sections include Scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, and other backward classes.

Most private schools in India are modeled after British Public Schools, which are a group of older, expensive, and exclusive paying private independent schools. The number of private schools in India is low with 7% in primary,21% in the middle, and 32% in secondary.

According to the census of 2011, anyone who is above 7 years of age can read and write with understanding in ant language is said to be literate. In the 2011 census, the literacy rate in India was 74.07%. The youth literacy rate within the age group of 15 to 24 is 81.1%. The literacy rate among males is 84.4% while it is 74.4% among females.

School Education in India

Education in India -- A Historical Perspective till 2021

The pupil-to-teacher ratio within the general public establishment for primary education is 35:1. However, teacher absenteeism in India is as high as 25%.
In terms of facilities, a study of 188 government-run schools found that 59% of the schools no drinking water and 89% have no toilets.

To improve the varsity education system in India, the govt has laid down many programs like National Policy of Education(NPE), Universal Elementary Education(UEE), Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan(SSA), Right to Education(RTE), Mid-day meal scheme, Mahila Sankhya program, scheme to permit quality education in Madrasas and Scheme for Infrastructure Development in Minority Institutes(I.D.M.I.).

Since India has a (10+2 +3 ) pattern of education, the policy of the government is to make secondary education of good quality available, accessible and affordable to all young students in the age group of 14-18 years. The minimum age is 15 years for secondary schools and 17 years for senior board of education exams.

The National Council of Education Research & Training is the APEX body for curriculum-related matters for school education in India. Other curriculum bodies governing school education are the Central Board of secondary education(CBSE), Council for Indian School certificate exam(CISCE), National Institute of Open Schooling, National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS), and state government board.

National Council of Education, Research & Training(NCERT) is an apex resource organization to assist and advise central & State governments on academic matters in school education. Organizations like Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan(KVS) to provide uninterrupted education to wards of central govt. employes, Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti(NVS) to provide good quality education to talented children, National Bal Bhawan aiming at enhancing the creative potential of children, and Information of Communication Technology(ICT) has been set up to improve school education in India.

Higher Education in India

Education in India -- A Historical Perspective till 2021
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

India’s higher education system is the third-largest in the world after China and the USA. The main administration of the tertiary level is that the University Grants Commission(UGC) which enforces its standards, advises the govt , and helps coordinate between the state and center.

Regulatory Authorities like UGC and AICTE are trying very hard to extirpate the menace of personal universities that are running courses with none affiliation or recognition. The Indian government has failed to check on these education shops which are running by the businesses and political solely for the purpose of making money. Many of these private colleges do not fulfill the criterion by the government and the central bodies ( UGC, AICTE, MCI, BCI, etc.)

The Government of India is conscious of the plight of the upper education sector and has been trying to bring reforms, however, many bills are still awaiting discussion and approval in the Parliament.

One of the approaches to form the internationalization of Indian education effective is to develop a coherent and comprehensive policy that aims at infusing excellence, bringing institutional diversity, and aids in capacity building.

The department of upper education(MHRD), is liable for the general development of the essential infrastructure of the upper education sector, both in terms of policy and planning.

Higher Education is that the shared responsibility of both the Centre and therefore the States. The coordination and determination of standards in Universities & Colleges are entrusted to the UGC and other statutory regulatory bodies.

Central University: A university established or incorporated by a Central Act.
State University: A university established or incorporated by a Provincial Act or by a State Act.

Private University: A university established through a State/Central Act by a sponsoring body viz. A Society registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860, or the other corresponding law for the nonce effective during a State or a charitable trust or a Company registered under Section 25 of the businesses Act, 1956.

Deemed-to-be University: an establishment is usually referred to as Deemed University, refers to a high-performing institution, which has been so declared by the Central Government under Section 3 of the University Grants Commission (UGC) Act, 1956.

Institution of National Importance: an establishment established by Act of Parliament and declared as Institution of National Importance.

Institution under State Legislature: ActAn Institution established or incorporated by a State Legislature Act.

The Indian government has set up councils and institutes for promoting specialized higher education in the technical field. Some of these councils are:

  1. Indian Council of science Research(ICSSR) for promoting science research, strengthening different disciplines, improving quality and quantum of research and its utilization in national policy formulation.
  2. Indian Council of Philosophical Research(ICPR) was set up in 1977 for the promotion of research in Philosophy and allied discipline.
  3. Indian Council of Historical Research(ICHR)was found out in 1972 to offer proper direction to historical research.
  4. National Council of Rural Institutes(NCRI) was found out in Hyderabad to market education in rural areas.
  5. National Assessment and Accreditation Council(NAAC) was set up to assess and accredit institutions of higher learning, universities, and colleges.
  6. India Institute of Advanced Study(IIAS) was established in 1965, is a residential center for free and creative themes and problems of life and thought.
  7. National Research Professorship(NRP) was established in 1949, honors distinguished academics and students in recognition of their contribution to knowledge.
  8. All India Council for Technical Education(AICTE) was established in 1987 and conducts the event of technical education within the country in the least levels, evolve suitable performance appraisal system for technical institutions and universities, lay down norms, standards for courses, curricula, physical and infrastructural facilities, etc.
  9. The Medical Council of India(MCI) was established under the MCI act 1956 amended in 1993 and is empowered to prescribe minimum standards for medical education required for granting recognized medical qualification or medical institution in India.
  10. Indian Council of Agriculture Research(ICAR) was established to meet the agricultural research and education needs of the country.
  11. National Council of Teachers Education(NCTE) facilitated the planning and development of the teacher education system in the country and regulates and maintains proper norms and standards in the teacher education system.
  12. Bar Council of India prescribes a class or category of the person entitled to be enrolled as an advocate.
  13. Council of Scientific Research &Training (CSIR) is known for its cutting-edge R&D knowledgebase in diverse areas and is a contemporary R&D organization. Having Pan- India’s presence, CSIR features a dynamic network of 38 national universities,39 outreach centers, 3 innovation complexes, and 5 units. CSIR R&D expertise and experience in embodied with about 4600 scientists supported by about 8000 scientific and technical personnel.CSIR is ranked 84th among 4851 institutions worldwide and is the only top 100 global institution.CSIR is ranked 17th in Asia and leads the country in the first position.
  14. Apart from the above institutes and councils India has 16 Indian Institutes of technology(IITs)  which are regarded as the “Institute of National Importance”, 13 Indian Institute of Management(IIMs), and 1 Indian Institute of Science.


















Digital Deepak Internship Program 1


Digital marketing Internship Program
Welcome to Digital Deepak Internship Program

Digital Deepak Internship Program

February 25, 2020 will start a new phase in my marketing career as it has introduced me to the new type of marketing “ The Digital Marketing”.  Not that the concept of digital marketing  is totally new to me, but the lessons which I learnt in the course that I prescribed from Digital Deepak  Digital Marketing Bundle pro “ which I am studying since a month has given me a deep and thorough  Knowledge  to all  aspects of  Digital Marketing . Along with that I joined India’s most comprehensive Digital Deepak Internship program  from March,2020.

The 8 weeks  Digital Deepak Internship Program along with the one month Digital Marketing course which I did (Theory),  I am sure that I will  complete my Digital training program . And that too, just at the cost  Rs20,000 compared to 1 to 1.5  lakh  of Rupees spent by students  taking digital training from Premium institutes in one to two years program.

I started my career in sales and marketing since 1994 and have seen all aspects in this field. I have been working selling credit cards in direct sales of multinational banks in New Delhi, I have worked selling cars of maruti suzuki and toyota in jabalpur, I did my Post graduate in business management, I worked and still am working as an affiliate in SFI Marketing group although not with much success, yet I am obsessed with the concept of Digital marketing.

I have heard a lot about Mr Deepak Kanakaraju, the Digital Marketing Guru in India and his company Pixel Track and now changed to an edutech company Learntoday, more popularly know as Digital Deepak   with few of the best stalwarts of Indian Digital Industry in his team . It was till recently I became associated with Digital Deepak as its student by taking up its course in Digital marketing along with this Internship.

Now let me explain to you what I have learnt in the first class of Internship of Digital Deepak in marketing.

Digital marketing Internship Program
The Goal
  • The Goal of this Program

Mr Deepak explains us the importance of communication skills so that you can  excel in all areas of your life and career. You must improve your sales skills and be able to sell yourself and your products better in the market.

You must know what you want to become in life after taking up this course in Digital marketing be it a blogger, Video maker, affiliate marketer or a Digital agency owner .

Digital marketing Internship Program
The Market
  • The Ever Expanding Market

The wealth of world  is expanding . Market needs always expand because solutions to needs give rise to new need . Infinite number of niches is available. You have to focus on your own small niche. People always remember those who are Number one not number two. So you have to become category leader in your own niche     

Digital marketing Internship Program
The Global Economy  


  • The Global Economy

He explained us briefly about the world economy, on how the age of the people in a country and its economy are interrelated. The lower the age of the people in a country, the more its people spends and more robust its economy is and vice versa.

He explains how Debt creates money supply . Countries  and companies with strong finance survives the recession while the weak ones crumble.

He suggested  reading Books like Economics 101 and Currency wars  to understand the working of economics better.

Digital marketing Internship Program
The Marketers
  • Learn to be Marketer first

Lots of people think that if they learn the  technicalities  of  Digital marketing  like how to run a social media, how to run a facebook  ad, they can become a digital marketer. But you must first understand that to become a digital marketer the emphasis must not be on digital marketing but on marketer. You need to be marketer first then a digital marketer. Marketing is all about understanding human Psychology, how to sell, and  understanding how to communicate. Once you learn the marketing fundamentals you will be able to go ahead and become digital marketer.

Digital marketing Internship Program

  •  Communication skills

In this program we will have a key focus on communication and writing skills as it helps in content creation, sales and in becoming a successful professional or entrepreneur.

The program explains how reading simple books and later the more complex ones for at least 30 minutes a day, listening to Podcasts, writing daily, watching English sitcoms and comedy shows can help you improve your communication skills.

The communication medium keeps on changing, but how you command the way you communicate will determine how you solve people’s problems.

Digital marketing Internship Program

  • The Future Of Digital Marketing

The future of the Digital Marketing is strong because marketing will never die. As people’s needs and demands for products goes up you will need new ways to market them. The world is moving towards digital age and the consumer behavior is changing. Digital marketing is simply a better way to marketing.

We were explained the working of Integrated Digital Marketing. How all components of digital marketing must complement each other. Also these components overlap each other as there is no boundary. As the industry evolves there will be more modules for us to learn.

Digital marketing Internship Program
Integrated Digital Marketing Flowchart

The content must be of good and relevant quality. We were explained that the paid advertisement must be done through content marketing rather than directly on sales landing page as it would attract more customers and hence more conversions.


Digital marketing Internship Program
Identify your Niche
  • How to Select your Niche.

Your Niche should a combination of your passion, talent, and Marketing Opportunity. You should have passion and enjoy doing it and set better standard of it.

The three major Niches are: Health , Money and Relationships .

Get 1000 customers who will pay Rs 10,000 each making your total earning      Potential to 1 crore per year.

Digital marketing Internship Program
The market demand
  • How to Find Market Demand

The market demand of the products can be using various tools like Google Auto suggest, , Amazon reviews, scratch your own itch, talk to the customers and look for pre and post products services of other  products.

Digital marketing Internship Program
Your Personal Brand Image
  • Your Personal Brand  Image.

Building your personal brand Image is important. You must remember that the “Best” will always beat the “Best” . Try to stand apart by putting out your content out there. Stop try to fit in, Show your character and personality on social media. Publishing  content in different form with more content  will help you own more Internet.

Personal branding helps you build your style . Most people want to hear from other people not from brands. You can get a job, close a client or build your own fame within the community. Writing, publishing videos and public speaking can help you create your persona brand.

Digital marketing Internship Program
The Marketing Funnel
  • How the marketing Funnel Works.

Try to get more people say 1 million people at the top of the funnel to few    people. Say 1000 people at the bottom of the funnel. Try to build trust through the funnel. Try to build automation and build relationships on automation by drip marketing.

Digital marketing Internship Program
All ends well that ends well

The  Internship training webinar  continued for 2 hours and we were explained thoroughly all  the aspects of the Internship . We were told to write a blog on the program in our own website and share it , join Digital Deepak internship group on facebook , how we would receive our payment after we complete our assignments and we will receive free gifts in the form of e-books and courses all through the internship program.

I am hopeful that this Digital Marketing training is sure to help me and other students who are also taking this Internship in their career and make their life better.




How Dermatoglyphics helps in achieving Ultimate Career Planning 2021

What is Dermatoglyphics

The word Dermatoglyphyics comes from two Greek words (dermis means the skin and glyphics means the Curve). It refers to the frictional ridge formations which appear on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. The scientific study and analysis of fingerprints are called Dermatoglyphics.

The connection between the fingerprints and therefore the brain are established at the stage when the fetus is 13 to 19 weeks old. The dermal ridges on our fingers are linked to brain development. The dermatoglyphics features are genetically determined and are influenced by the environmental factors and disturbances at the time of development within the womb.

Dermatoglyphics is the DNA reflection of our Brain.

Dr. Harold Cummins is considered The daddy of Dermatoglyphics.

Dermatoglyphics and Career Planning

How Dermatoglyphics helps in  achieving Ultimate Career Planning 2021

All individuals have unique fingerprints. This is because everyone features a unique talent hidden during a script of fingerprints. Here are the results of the research :


  1. No two people have exactly the same fingerprints, even identical(monozygotic) twins. Fingerprints on the proper hand won’t be an equivalent because the ones on the left .
  2. While fingerprints will increase in size( from childhood to adulthood), dermatoglyphic patterns remain unchanged throughout the life of an individual. If fingers are burnt, after healing the wound, the new skin has exactly the same as the original pattern.
  3. Both the systema nervosum and therefore the epidermal ridges have a standard origin from the ectoderm within the embryo.

Dermatoglyphics is an innovative method that records and analyses a child’s ten fingerprints to spot their natural talents, creative potential, and learning styles. This will help parents to optimize the most effective ways of nurturing their child.

Related to Dermatoglyphics there are few more studies conducted by researchers which will help parents guide their children in their education and career.

The Brain Theory

How Dermatoglyphics helps in  achieving Ultimate Career Planning 2021

The Right brain– left brain theory grew the work of Roger W. Sperry, who is awarded the Nobel Prize in 1981.

Students, who have a difficult time following verbal instructions (often cited as a Right-brain characteristic) can benefit from writing down directions and developing better organization skills. The study demonstrates that the Right – left hemispheres are specialized in different tasks. Right Brain hemisphere corresponds to Left-hand body and Left Brain hemisphere corresponds to the Right-hand side of the body.

The right hemisphere can only produce rudimentary words or phrases but contributes emotional context to language. Without help from the right hemisphere, you would be able to read a word for instance, but you wouldn’t be able to imagine what it is. The right hemisphere of the brain is involved when you are making a map or giving directions an hour to get to your home from the airport. The left hemisphere of the brain is normally specialized in taking care of the logical, analytical, and verbal tasks. The left side speaks much better than the right-hand side, while the right half takes care of the space perception tasks and music, creativity, emotion.

The Theory of Multiple Intelligences.


How Dermatoglyphics helps in  achieving Ultimate Career Planning 2021

The theory of multiple intelligences was proposed by Howard Gardner in his book ” the idea of Multiple Intelligences”. Gardner articulate Nine criteria for a behavior to be considered an intelligent one. According to him, each individual possesses a unique blend of all intelligence. He categorized intelligence into three primary or overarching algorithms, those which are formulated by abilities. These are:

1) the ability to make an efficient product or offer a service that’s valued during a culture.

2) a set of skills that make it possible for an individual to unravel problems in life, and

3) the potential for locating or creating solutions for problems, which involves gathering new knowledge.

Every person is born with 9 different innate(god gifted) talents. Although dermatoglyphics may identify an individual’s potential one might not be ready to reach his/her full potential without training. Let us discuss these talents one by one.


  1. Linguistic- Verbal intelligence: Persons with Linguistic – verbal intelligence have a robust ability to know and use spoken and written communication . They have the power to precise themselves through speech or the word and therefore the increased ability to find out foreign languages. People with this type of intelligence are good at remembering written and spoken information, giving and communicating, giving oral communication, news sports, presenting a radio drama, good at spelling, like word drama, good at spelling, like word games, etc. Suitable careers for persons with such intelligence are writers, Journalists, lawyers, teachers, public speakers, content writers, politicians, and so on.
  2. Logical-mathematical Intelligence: Persons with logical-mathematical intelligence have a strong ability to analyze problems and issue logically, excel at mathematical operations, and carry out scientific investigation. This can include the ability to use formal and informal reasoning skills such as deductive reasoning and to detect patterns. Maths smart children tend to think conceptually about numbers, have excellent problem-solving skills, and shine at strategy games. Suitable careers for such persons are Scientists, Accountants, Computer Programmers, Engineers, Mathematicians, etc.
  3. Visual-Spatial Intelligencethis sort of intelligence involves how well individual processes visual information. This includes the power to see objects and rotate, transform, and otherwise manipulate them. It is a foundation intelligence upon which many of the other intelligence rely and interact. Art smart children are good at visualizing things and they are good at creating charts, diagrams think in 3-d, excels in manipulating objects in their mind. Suitable careers are Physicists, Architects, Computer engineers, builders, and so on.
  4. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence: Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence involves how well as individual controls their body in terms of physical activity and/or fine motor skills. Individuals who excel during this intelligence typically learn best by doing something as against just reading about it. Body smart children are said to be good at body movement performing actions and physical actions and physical control i.e they need excellent hand-eye coordination and dexterity, they are good at dance, excellent physical coordination, like to build things. Careers that folks can attend are Athletics, Dancers, builder, gymnasts, surgeons, sculptors, and so on.
  5. Musical Intelligence: Musical intelligence involves how skillful a private is in performing, composing, and appreciating music and music patterns. Individuals who excel during this intelligence typically are ready to use rhythms and patterns to help in learning. Music smart children are good at thinking in patterns, rhythms, and sounds. They have a good appreciation of music, enjoy rhythms, poetry, etc. Careers are composers, Musicians, band directors, conductors, soundboard operators, singers, music teachers, etc.
  6. Interpersonal Intelligence: Such intelligence involves how skillful a private is in understanding and handling  Individuals who excel in this intelligence typically are able to discern the moods, feelings, and motivations of others. People smart children are good at understanding and interacting with one another. They are skilled in assessing the emotion, motivations, desires, good at communicating verbally, in sensing other motives. These people can become Politicians, teachers, counselors, social workers, diplomats, coaches, psychologists, philosophers, salespeople, etc.
  7. Intrapersonal Intelligence: Intrapersonal intelligence involves how skillful a private in understanding themselves. Individuals who excel in this intelligence typically are introspective and can use personal problems. Such individuals are introspective and self-reflective. They tend to enjoy self-reflection including daydreaming, excellent self-awareness, introverted, spends time alone, self-motivated. Suitable careers are poets, psychologists, writers, scientists, theorists, philosophers.
  8. Naturalist Intelligence: Naturalist Intelligence: involves how sensitive an individual is towards the world around them. Individuals who excel during this intelligence have an interest in growing plants and/or taking care of animals also as sensitive to other features of the natural world(clouds, rocks). Nature smart children have an interest in categorizing plants, animals, enjoy camping, hiking and exploring outdoors, enjoy gardening, etc. Suitable careers are Biologists, Zookeepers, gardeners, farmers, marine biologists, animal trainers, farmers, conservationists, and so on.
  9. Existential Intelligence: Such intelligence involves an individuals’ ability to use collective values and intuition to know others and therefore the world around them. Individuals who excel during this intelligence typically are ready to see the large picture. The children possessing existential intelligence are ready to see the large picture just like the existence of ghosts and spirits, curious about questions on life, death, and beyond. Able to look beyond the senses to explain phenomena, have a strong interest in society, and those around them. People with this sort of intelligence can become Philosophers, theologians, life coaches, cosmologists, etc.

Dermatoglyphics and Learning styles

In today’s changing world, not only have systems of education changed, but the methods during which the youngsters learn have changed also . Television, Multimedia, computers, video games have all contributed to changes within the way a child’s brain takes in new information and assimilates it. Children today have a shorter attention plan span than the children of the past generation.

Learning styles is a person’s natural or habitual pattern of acquiring and processing information. One of the foremost common and widely-used categorizations of the varied sorts of learning is VARK’s Model by Neil Fleming. Children are identified by their following preferences:

1) Visual Learners: Their learners are often best seen by Pictures, movies, diagrams, graphic displays like charts, diagrams.
2) Aural Learners: Auditory learners learn best by hearing information(music, discussion, lectures). They tend to urge an excellent distribution of lectures and are good at remembering things they’re told.
3) Reading&Writing learners: Such learners prefer to take in the information displayed as works(matching list, reading a textbook, taking notes).
4) Kinesthetic learners: Tactile learners learn best by touching and doing experiments, movements, and hand-on activities.

Providing a rich learning environment

Why are the children show more interest in a game than in their studies in school?

What expectancies has the game set up that aren’t being delivered in school settings?

The question becomes one among harnessing the training abilities that children develop as a result of their exposure to media and using them to reinforce academic performance. Children today learn
more readily with the use of multi-media approaches to teaching. Children within the classroom, educational videos, and even video games are all aspects of a contemporary learning environment that oldsters can use to supply their children with a start.

As a parent, our greatest bet is to use dermatoglyphics report based methods and technology to our advantage within the following ways:

  • Seek out educational media choices that work with your kid’s preferences instead of against them;
  • Make use of educational videos that hold your child’s attention;
  • Don’t force old-fashioned learning methods if they simply aren’t working for your child;
  • Make television and computer learning tools instead of just entertainment devices;
  • Make the most of the early years of your child;
  • Develop the habit of reading and a love of learning in your child;
  • Utilize the amount of time that your child spends at home more productively;

Benefits of Dermatoglyphics Report

How Dermatoglyphics helps in  achieving Ultimate Career Planning 2021

Dermatoglyphics can produce significant gains in children’s learning and development. Integrating dermatoglyphics findings with infancy education assists many children in avoiding poor outcomes, like throwing in the towel of faculty. Some additional characteristics of a dermatoglyphics based early education program are as follows:

  • Children have a safe nurturing and stimulating environment.
  • Parents plan a balanced learning schedule during which the youngsters don’t feel fatigued.
  • Suggest ways for a robust foundation in language development, early literacy, and math.
  • The program engages children in purposeful learning activities and plays supported 
  • The advisor regularly communicates with parents in order that they’re active participants in their children’s education.

How to Take Fingerprints

There are two ways of taking fingerprints :

1) Automated Fingerprint system: Fingerprints are taken with the help of an optical scanner or a capacitive scanner.

2) Manual Fingerprint system: Here the fingerprints are taken manually with the help of a pencil and paper.

Scanned fingerprints are uploaded into a computer database which transforms it into digital minutiae. This is then used to analyze the characteristics of the person with the help of the software to generate the dermatoglyphics report of a person.



Job Planning to Placements – How to Develop a Dynamic Career Path in 2021

Job Planning to placements may be a decision-making process that involves learning about yourself and therefore the job market so you’ll expand, not narrow down your options.

In the year 2014, there were around three million people’s jobs vacant, because employers can’t fill them there.


Because the employers can’t find people with the specified skills to fill them. This discrepancy between the job skills that people have and those required by the employers is widening day by day.

This is really a wierd phenomenon for a 3rd world country like India where things is usually the opposite way around.

In today’s work context, if one wants to understand himself and needs to gather information about himself and therefore the world of labor , he must plan his career exploration from the age of 15.

That’s how the concept of Job planning came into play.

How Career Linked Organizations can help you in Job Planning

From Job Planning to Placements

Organizations like Margdarshak and CERTC, which are into the sector of Career linked education have a crucial role to play for the scholars and job searchers in today’s ever-growing competitive job market. As your career advisors, Margdarshak and CERTC will want you to discover and provide your whole dream with your whole heart.

To do this you must know three basic facts about yourself:
1. What do you love to do and what are you good at?
2. Who ( what kind of people) do you love to work with?
3) Where do you love to work?

What you’re keen on to try to to will basically determine your real Interests, your work Values, and your employability skills through aptitude assessment. You must analyze this information and draw inferences about your dream job.

Whom do you love to work with will determine your preferences towards some types of people with specific traits. There are six sorts of people as per the RIASEC model which are Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and traditional .

People love to work with similar types and have more than one trait.
Where you love to work depends upon your comfort level with the work environment. We must remember that we spend at least one-quarter of our life in our workplace.

Your network of contacts plays a really important role in today’s job search and career strategies. Networking may be a skill got to “> you want to get good at because you’ll need to use it throughout your life.

Job Planning for your dream Job

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Your Career Portfolio is extremely important in your career life. Your career portfolio may be a collection of data , you’ve got gathered in several jobs. It consists of the training information you’ve got undergone through copies of awards, commendations, or certificates about specialized training.

You must validate the skills and qualities that every employee is looking for. These are communication skills, honesty and integrity, Teamwork skills, Interpersonal skills, and strong work ethics.

There are four steps to reach your dream job. These are

  1. Conduct Information Interviews
  2. Cultivate contacts and create networks.
  3. Resource organization of Interest.
  4. Begin your campaign to get the job you want.

Information Interview is a process in which you interview people with a particular job or a career before you decide to toss it out or pursue it as a goal. When you have completed your information interview you must have a much clearer of your potential dream jobs. You must know at least 3 to 5 jobs in the local labor market that you could do skills and different businesses that might those jobs in the market place. Information Interviews will reveal whether your best skills match the most common activities or tasks in a particular job and how much the work overlaps your interest.

The people you meet through the knowledge interview become your contacts. You have knowledgeable network like family, friends, and people you recognize . You have knowledgeable network that works is that the same as yours or what you’re curious about . Your contact becomes your ears and eyes.

It is time to find out exactly what the organization has people to do the job you want to do. Your information interviews along side other research will assist you select the place where you would like to figure . From your research, try to come up with at least 5 to 10 organizations that are potential employers for you.

Now begin your campaign to urge the work you would like . Choose the top five organizations where you want to work. Take an appointment with the person in the organizations who will hire there. Talk to him about your skills, training, education, and enthusiasm for this work will make you an outstanding employer in the organization.

Knowing what you would like is that the initiative to creating that life happier. There are a few things you might want to be a part of your whole life. Like your friends, family, a life partner, children. Sports and outdoor activities, Cultural activities,

Travel and time for hobbies, Involvement with communities or religious organizations. Participation in political or environmental causes. Your philosophy of life shapes everything you’re doing also as everything you are and are getting . It shapes all aspects of your life.

Anurag  Dubey

Sfi marketing group


Career Planning 2021-The Important Role of Parents in their Child’s future

Research has shown that when children are in the midst of choosing a path, it is their parents who have the greatest influence on their career planning.

What is Career Planning?

Career Planning-Parents as career planner

Career planning is a combination of one’s life experiences including one’s work role, community role, as well as one’s learning and leisure experiences.

Career planning with your children is about helping them to develop their roles and to use their experiences to create the life they want to be. Also, since these roles and experiences are forever changing, it is important to understand that career planning is very dynamic.

As your children journey through life, they will continue to evaluate and adjust their career plans in response to external factors such as a shift in interests or a change in life circumstances.

There are five messages developed by career planning experts as a foundation of career and life planning. These messages are:

  •  Follow the Heart.
  •  Access your allies.
  • Change is Constant.
  • Learning is lifelong
  • Focus on the Journey.

# Follow the heart: A well-pursuing dream provides motivation, direction, and helps to clarify what is really important to people. Let your children dream. Their dreams shape their goals. Allow them to use the energy to learn the skills and take the risks needed to make their dreams or any part of them a reality.

# Access your allies: As you navigate the process of career planning and its challenges, you will quickly realize you cannot do everything alone. It is important to find allies for yourself as much as for children. Allies come in many different forms. Some will be with you for a long time and others will help you with a specific situation. However long they are in your life, it is important that you know who you can turn to for support. Remember to involve people who play a major role in your children’s lives such as family, relatives, neighbors, teachers, friends, or career advisors.

# Change is constant: Both in work and in life, change is a constant force. Change can also create opportunities. Being flexible, versatile, and adaptable can harness the power of change to build career services.

# Learning is lifelong: Learning is a continuous life process. Learning, skills development, and work are intertwined activities that your children will engage in a continuous cycle of career-building experiences.

# Focus on the Journey: Life is a journey of experiences with destinations or goals as stopping points along the way. Career building requires attention to goals and to all that occurs on the journey towards these goals. As your children continue their career journeys, they may achieve their original goals, or revise them and set new goals.

It is important to know how the workplace has changed and these five messages no longer reflect the traditional messages of career planning from years age.

The Career Planning Process

Career Planning- Parents as career planning

It is important to become familiar with the steps involved in the career planning process not only to use now but also in the future. These steps are:

Step1: Know Yourself
Step2: Explore opportunities, Network allies
Step3: Decide Education and Training
Step4: Organize study, Develop Skills.
Step5: Gain work experience, Create a career portfolio

Step 1: Know Yourself

In this step, your children gather information about themselves. The purpose is to ” tune in ” and identify their interests, work values, skills, innate talents, and learning styles. This is an important exercise since people who choose occupations to match their interests, values, and skills to enjoy their work. They also tend to achieve their career goals and personal goals.

Step2: Network Allie’s Explore work opportunities

Armed with the information gathered about your children and their dreams, the next step is generating a list of career options for them. This can be done by exploring career choice where children relate their career with subjects, Doing Research to investigate information about the world of work by the parents as it broadens the scope of opportunity for their children, Conducting Information Interviewing face to face with someone who is actually doing a job.

Step3:  Education and Train

Once your children have a goal, they will need a plan to achieve it. This is a critical step to achieve it. This is a critical step in the career planning process. Armed with self-knowledge, a vision of a preferred future, and an opportunity to have explained various occupations your children must now make choices about education and training pathways. To do this, it is best to review the information your children have gathered on various courses and institutes offering them and discuss how each occupation fits with these sources of studies.

Step4: Organize Study, Develop Skills:

The study curriculum of the students must be organized by creating a personalized subject wise schedule for the student. Parents and children have to identify, acquire, enhance, and evaluate the compulsory domain knowledge and transferable skills using industry-standard parameters.

Step5: Gain Work experience, Create Career Portfolio:

Volunteering is another opportunity to learn new skills, as well as having a new experience. Volunteering allows your children to discover work that they may enjoy or may not enjoy. Volunteering also your children to meet new people and expand their network. A career portfolio is a tangible collection of evidence or artifacts, that reflect your children’s interests, abilities, knowledge, and creative potential which are used to organize their education skills, work experience, accolades, and acknowledgments. As a collection of information, a portfolio is an excellent organizational tool during the career planning process. People use a career portfolio to get desired jobs with higher salaries and to track personal development.

Parents are the greatest influence of teens in their career path. Parents are in the position to help their children and they have the resources and tools to help them as the career coach to their children by keeping current important, researching to find out what career is growing and which one is shrinking and understanding what is happening in the world of work that can help their children find their dream job.